
Actions are Flux Standard Actions produced with the scoping of the namespace of the module applied. The creation and use of them is based off of redux-actions.

Simple synchronous actions

For a synchronous action that simply passes the parameter passed through as payload, action creation is very easy:

import module from 'modules/app';

const action = module.createAction('FOO');

Synchronous actions with payload transformation

If you want to manipulate the payload prior to dispatch, provide the transformation method as the second parameter:

import module from 'modules/app';

const action = module.createAction('FOO', (data) => {
  return {

Passing metadata

If you want to provide additional data that is separate from the payload, pass a third function to the method:

import module from 'modules/app';

// undefined second parameter means that the pass-through method from the simple action creation is used for payload
const action = module.createAction('FOO', undefined, (data) => {
  return {
    hasData: !!data

The meta function will receive the same parameters as the payload function.

Asynchronous actions

Async actions are a little different, in that they basically serve as a creator of three separate actions for the status of the method. Example:

import {
} from 'arco';

import module from 'modules/app';

const action = module.createAsyncAction('FOO', (lifecycle, data) => {
  const {
  } = lifecycle;
  // example with redux-thunk
  return async (dispatch) => {
    try {
      const response = await get('/foo');
    } catch (error) {

Notice the lifecycle parameter is injected, which includes the actions to dispatch with the status of the call.

  • onRequest dispatches an action with meta set to {status: 'PENDING'}
  • onSuccess dispatches an action with meta set to {status: 'SUCCESS'}
  • onError dispatches an action with meta set to {status: 'ERROR'}

In all three cases, any parameter passed to the action is the payload.