crio API


  • crio(object: any): (CrioArray|CrioObject)
    • Standard method, will crio the object passed if an array or object, else it will return the object itself
const emptyObject = crio(); // {}
const populatedObject = crio({foo: 'bar'}); // {foo: 'bar'}
const populatedArray = crio(['foo', 'bar']); // ['foo', 'bar']
  • crio.array(object: Array<any>): CrioArray
    • Shortcut method for crioing array-specific values
const empty = crio.array(); // []
const populated = crio.array(['foo']); // ['foo']
  • crio.object(object: Object): CrioObject
    • Shortcut method for crioing object-specific values
const empty = crio.object(); // {}
const populated = crio.object({foo: 'bar'}); // {foo: 'bar'}
  • crio.isCrio(object: any): boolean
    • Determine if the object passed is a Crio
const normal = {foo: 'bar'};
const crioed = crio({foo: 'bar'});

console.log(crio.isCrio(normal)); // false
console.log(crio.isCrio(crioed)); // true
  • crio.isArray(object: any): boolean
    • Determine if the object passed is a CrioArray
const normal = ['foo'];
const croiedArray = crio(['foo']);
const crioedObject = crio({foo: 'bar'});

console.log(crio.isObject(normal)); // false
console.log(crio.isObject(croiedArray)); // true
console.log(crio.isObject(crioedObject)); // false
  • crio.isObject(object: any): boolean
    • Determine if the object passed is a CrioObject
const normal = {foo: 'bar'};
const croiedArray = crio(['foo']);
const crioedObject = crio({foo: 'bar'});

console.log(crio.isObject(normal)); // false
console.log(crio.isObject(croiedArray)); // false
console.log(crio.isObject(crioedObject)); // true

Methods with the same name as the native method will be a link to MDN, as they are meant to be as similar to the native method as possible, with the exception of accepting thisArg. Where any specific differences from the default behavior exist, the crio-specific behavior is mentioned.


  • clear(): CrioArray
    • returns an empty CrioArray
const populated = crio(['foo']);

console.log(populated.clear()); // []
  • compact(): CrioArray
    • returns a new CrioArray with all falsy values filtered out
const array = crio(['foo', false, 0, '', {}, [], null, undefined]);

console.log(array.compact()); // ['foo', {}, []]
const array = crio(['foo']);

console.log(array.concat(['bar'])); // ['foo', 'bar']
  • delete(key: (Array<number|string>|number)): CrioArray
const array = crio(['foo', {bar: 'baz', baz: 'quz'}]);

console.log(array.delete(1)); // ['foo']
console.log(array.delete('[1].bar')); // ['foo', {baz: 'quz'}]
  • difference(array1: Array<any>[, array2: Array<any>[, ...arrayN: Array<any>]]): CrioArray
    • Returns a new array of the values that only exist in either the CrioArray or in one of the arrays passed
const array = crio(['foo', true, 1]);

console.log(array.difference(['foo'], [true])); // [1]
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.copyWithin(2, 0)); // ['foo', 'bar', 'foo']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.entries()); // [[0, 'foo'], [1, 'bar']]
  • equals(object: any): boolean
    • Determines whether object is deeply equal to the CrioArray
const array = crio(['foo']);
const matchingArray = crio(['foo']);

console.log(array === matchingArray); // false
console.log(array.equals(matchingArray)); // true
console.log(array.equals(crio(['bar']))); // false
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.every(value => value.length === 3)); // true
console.log(array.every(value => value === 'bar')); // false
  • fill
    • Returns new CrioArray with items from start to end filled with value
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.fill('same')); // ['same', 'same', 'same']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.filter(value => value[0] === 'b')); // ['bar', 'baz']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.find(value => value[0] === 'b')); // 'bar'
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.find(value => value[0] === 'b')); // 1
  • findLast(fn: function(value: any, index: number, object: CrioArray)): any
    • Find the value that matches the result of fn starting at the last index in the object
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.find(value => value[0] === 'b')); // 'baz'
  • findLastIndex(fn: function): number
    • Same as findIndex but starting from end and working to start
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.find(value => value[0] === 'b')); // 2
  • first(size: number = 1): CrioArray
    • Returns a new array of the first size number of items in the array
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.first()); // ['foo']
console.log(array.first(2)); // ['foo', 'bar']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

let count = 0;

console.log(array.forEach(() => count++)); // ['foo', 'bar']
console.log(count); // 2
const array = crio(['foo', {bar: 'baz'}]);

console.log(array.get(1)); // {bar: 'baz'}
console.log(array.get('[1].bar')); // 'baz'
  • has(key: (Array<number|string>|number)): boolean
const array = crio(['foo', {bar: 'baz'}]);

console.log(array.has(1)); // true
console.log(array.has(6)); // false
console.log(array.has('[1].bar')); // true
console.log(array.has('[1].quz')); // false
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.includes('foo')); // true
console.log(array.includes('baz')); // false
  • intersection(array1: Array<any>[, array2: Array<any>[, ...arrayN: Array<any>]]): CrioArray
    • Returns a new CrioArray of the values that exist in all of the arrays
const array = crio(['foo', 1, true]);

console.log(array.intersection(['foo', 1], [1])); // 1
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bar']);

console.log(array.indexOf('bar')); // 1
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.join()); // 'foo,bar'
console.log(array.join('|')); // 'foo|bar'
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.keys()); // [0, 1]
  • last(size: number = 1): CrioArray
    • Returns a new CrioArray of the last num number of items in the array
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.last()); // ['baz']
console.log(array.last(2)); // ['bar', 'baz']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bar']);

console.log(array.indexOf('bar')); // 3
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

  array.map(value =>
); // ['oof', 'rab']
  • merge(array1: Array<any>[, array2: Array<any>[, ...arrayN: Array<any>]]): CrioArray
const array = crio(['foo', {bar: 'baz'}]);

console.log(array.merge(null, ['quz'])); // ['foo', {bar: 'baz'}, 'quz']
console.log(array.merge('[0].bar', {baz: 'quz'})); // ['foo', {bar: {baz: 'quz'}}]
  • mutate(fn: function(array: Array<any>, crio: CrioArray)): any
    • Whatever you return in the callback is what is returned (as a CrioArray or CrioObject if applicable)
const array = crio([{foo: 'bar'}]);

const result = array.mutate(thawed => {
  thawed[0].foo = 'baz';

  return thawed;

console.log(result); // [{foo: 'baz'}, 'bar']
  • pluck(key: (Array<number|string>|number)): CrioArray
    • Iterates over the CrioArray and returns a new CrioArray of values where the key exists as a property on the collection item
    • Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
const array = crio([{foo: 'bar'}, {bar: 'baz'}, {foo: 'quz'}]);

console.log(array.pluck('foo')); // ['bar', undefined, 'quz']

const deepArray = crio([
  [{foo: 'foo'}, {bar: 'baz'}, {foo: 'bar'}],
  [{foo: 'bar'}, {bar: 'baz'}, null, {foo: 'foo'}]

console.log(array.pluck('[1].foo')); // ['bar', undefined, undefined, 'foo']
  • pop
    • Returns new CrioArray with first item removed
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.pop()); // ['foo']
  • push
    • Returns new CrioArray with new item(s) added
const array = crio(['foo']);

console.log(array.push('bar', 'baz')); // ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
const array = crio([1, 2, 3]);

const result = array.reduce(
  ({order, sum}, value) => {
    return {order: [...order, value], sum: sum + value};
  {order: [], sum: 0}

console.log(result); // {order: [1, 2, 3], sum: 6}
const array = crio([1, 2, 3]);

const result = array.reduceRight(
  ({order, sum}, value) => {
    return {order: [...order, value], sum: sum + value};
  {order: [], sum: 0}

console.log(result); // {order: [3, 2, 1], sum: 6}
  • reverse
    • The original array's order is maintained (not mutated)
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.reverse()); // ['baz', 'bar', 'foo']
  • set(key: (Array<number|string>|number), value: any): CrioArray
const array = crio(['foo', {bar: 'baz'}]);

console.log(array.set(1, 'quz')); // ['foo', 'quz']
console.log(array.set('[1].bar', 'quz')); // ['foo', {bar: 'quz'}]
  • shift
    • Returns new CrioArray with first item removed
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.shift()); // ['bar', 'baz']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.slice(1)); // ['bar']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.some(value => value === 'bar')); // true
console.log(array.some(value => value === 'quz')); // false
  • sort
    • Returns new CrioArray sorted by either callback or default
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.sort()); // ['bar', 'baz', 'foo']
  • splice
    • Returns new CrioArray with item(s) added/removed based on splicing parameters
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

console.log(array.splice(1, 1)); // ['foo', 'baz']
  • thaw(): Array<any>
    • Recursively thaws CrioArray deeply and returns standard array version of itself
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.thaw()); // ['foo', 'bar']
console.log(array.constructor === Array); // false
console.log(array.thaw().constructor === Array); // true
  • toObject(): CrioObject
    • Converts CrioArray into a CrioObject of {index: value} pairs
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.toObject()); // {0: 'foo', 1: 'bar'}
  • toLocaleString
    • Returns stringified version of CrioArray
    • Optionally accepts serializer and indent arguments, which are identical to those arguments for JSON.stringify
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.toLocaleString()); // ["foo","bar"]
console.log(arrat.toLocaleString(null, 2));
  • toString
    • Returns stringified version of CrioArray
    • Optionally accepts serializer and indent arguments, which are identical to those arguments for JSON.stringify
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.toString()); // ["foo","bar"]
console.log(arrat.toString(null, 2));
  • unique(): CrioArray
    • Returns a new CrioArray of values filtered down to only existing in the array once
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.unique()); // ['foo', 'bar']
  • unshift
    • Returns new CrioArray with new item(s) added to beginning
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.unshift('baz', 'quz')); // ['baz', 'quz', 'foo', 'bar']
const array = crio(['foo', 'bar']);

console.log(array.values()); // ['foo', 'bar']
  • xor(array1: Array<any>[, array2: Array<any>[, ...arrayN: Array<any>]]): CrioArray
    • Returns a new CrioArray of the values that are the symmetric difference of the CrioArray and the arrays passed
const array = crio(['foo', 1, true]);

console.log(array.xor(['foo'], [true])); // [1]


  • clear(): CrioObject
    • returns an empty CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar'});

  • compact(): CrioObject
    • returns a new CrioObject with all falsy values filtered out
const object = crio({
  string: 'foo',
  bool: false,
  num: 0,
  object: {},
  array: [],
  nul: null,
  undef: undefined

console.log(object.compact()); // {string: 'foo', object: {}, array: []}
  • delete(key: (Array<number|string>|string)): CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});

console.log(object.delete('bar')); // {foo; 'bar'}
console.log(object.delete('bar[0]')); // {foo: 'bar', bar: ['quz']}
  • entries(): CrioArray
    • Gets an array of the [key, value] pairs in the CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

console.log(object.entries()); // [['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'baz']]
  • every(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): boolean
    • Performs same function as every in CrioArray, but on the CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

console.log(object.every(value => value.length === 3)); // true
console.log(object.every(value => value === 'bar')); // false
  • forEach(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): CrioObject
    • Iterates over object executing fn and returns the original CrioObject
    • Iteration order is not guaranteed (due to object key order not being guaranteed per the spec)
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

let count = 0;

console.log(object.forEach(() => count++)); // {foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}
console.log(count); // 2
  • filter(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): CrioObject
    • Iterates over object and filters out any returned values that are falsy
    • Iteration order is not guaranteed (due to object key order not being guaranteed per the spec)
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz', baz: 'quz'});

console.log(object.filter(value => value[0] === 'b')); // {foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}
  • find(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): any
    • Same as find for CrioArray but on the CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}, (baz: 'quz'));

console.log(object.find(value => value !== 'baz')); // 'bar'
  • findKey(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): string
    • Same as findIndex for CrioArray but finding the appropriate key
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}, (baz: 'quz'));

console.log(object.findKey(value => value !== 'baz')); // 'foo'
  • findLast(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): any
    • Find the value that matches the result of fn starting at the last key in the CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}, (baz: 'quz'));

console.log(object.findLast(value => value !== 'baz')); // 'quz'
  • findLastKey(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): string
    • Same as findKey but starting from end and working to start
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}, (baz: 'quz'));

console.log(object.findLastKey(value => value !== 'baz')); // 'baz'
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});

console.log(crio.get('bar')); // ['baz', 'quz']
console.log(crio.get('bar[0]')); // 'baz'
  • has(key: (Array<number|string>|string)): boolean
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});

console.log(crio.has('bar')); // true
console.log(crio.has('baz')); // false
console.log(crio.has('bar[0]')); // true
console.log(crio.has('bar[6]')); // false
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});

console.log(crio.hasOwnProperty('bar')); // true
console.log(crio.hasOwnProperty('baz')); // false
  • includes(item: any): boolean
    • Determine if the CrioObject has a value that matches value in strict equality
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

console.log(object.includes('baz')); // true
console.log(object.includes('quz')); // false
  • keyOf(item: any): string
    • Get the key for the item passed starting with the first key in the CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz', baz: 'bar'});

console.log(object.keyOf('bar')); // foo
  • keys(): CrioArray
    • Returns an array of the keys in the CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

console.log(object.keys()); // ['foo', 'bar']
  • lastKeyOf(item: any): string
    • Get the key for the item passed starting with the last key in the CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz', baz: 'bar'});

console.log(object.keyOf('bar')); // baz
  • map(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): CrioObject
    • Iterates over object and maps returned value to the respective key
    • Iteration order is not guaranteed (due to object key order not being guaranteed per the spec)
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz', baz: 'quz'});

  object.map(value =>
); // {foo: 'rab', bar: 'zab', baz: 'zuq'}
  • merge(object1: Object[, object2: Object[, ...objectN: Object]]): CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});

console.log(object.merge(null, {baz: 'quz'})); // {foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz'], baz: 'quz'}
console.log(object.merge('bar[0]', ['blah'])); // {foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz', 'blah']};
  • mutate(fn: function(object: Object, crio: CrioObject)): any
    • Whatever you return in the callback is what is returned (as a CrioArray or CrioObject if applicable)
const object = crio({foo: ['bar', 'baz']});

const result = object.mutate(thawed => {
  thawed.bar = 'baz';

  return thawed;

console.log(result); // {foo: ['bar', 'baz', 'quz'], bar: 'baz'}
  • pluck(key: (Array<number|string>|string)): CrioArray
    • Iterates over the CrioObject and returns a CrioArray of values where the key exists as a property on the collection item
    • Supports shallow or deep values via array or dot-bracket syntax
    • Iteration order is not guaranteed (due to object key order not being guaranteed per the spec)
const object = crio({
  first: {foo: 'bar'},
  second: {bar: 'baz'},
  third: null,
  fourth: {foo: 'foo'}

console.log(object.pluck('foo')); // ['bar', undefined, undefined, 'foo']

const otherObject = crio({
  first: [{foo: 'foo'}, {bar: 'baz'}, {foo: 'bar'}],
  second: [{foo: 'bar'}, {bar: 'baz'}, null, {foo: 'foo'}]

console.log(otherObject.pluck('second.foo')); // ['bar', undefined, undefined, 'foo']
  • reduce(fn: function(accumulator: any, value: any, key: string, object:CrioObject)): any
    • Performs same function as reduce in CrioArray, but on the CrioObject
const object = crio({one: 1, two; 2, three: 3});

const result = object.reduce(({order, sum}, value) => {
  return {order: [...order, value], sum: sum + value};
}, {order: [], sum; 0});

console.log(result); // {order: [1, 2, 3], sum: 6}
  • reduceRight(fn: function(accumulator: any, value: any, key: string, object:CrioObject)): any
    • Performs same function as reduceRight in CrioArray, but on the CrioObject
const object = crio({one: 1, two; 2, three: 3});

const result = object.reduceRight(({order, sum}, value) => {
  return {order: [...order, value], sum: sum + value};
}, {order: [], sum; 0});

console.log(result); // {order: [3, 2, 1], sum: 6}
  • set(key: (Array<number|string>|string), value: any): CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: ['baz', 'quz']});

console.log(object.set('bar', 'baz')); // {foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}
console.log(object.set('bar[0]', {baz: 'blah'})); // {foo: 'bar', bar: [{baz: 'blah'}, 'quz']}
  • some(fn: function(value: any, key: string, object: CrioObject)): boolean
    • Performs same function as some in CrioArray, but on the CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

console.log(object.some(value => value === 'baz')); // true
console.log(object.some(value => value === 'quz')); // false
  • toArray(): CrioArray
    • Converts CrioObject to a CrioArray of the object's values
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

console.log(object.toArray()); // ['bar', 'baz']
  • toLocaleString
    • Returns stringified version of CrioObject
    • Optionally accepts serializer and indent arguments, which are identical to those arguments for JSON.stringify
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

console.log(object.toLocaleString()); // {"foo":"bar","bar":"baz"}
console.log(object.toLocaleString(null, 2));
  "foo": "bar",
  "bar": "baz"
  • toString
    • Returns stringified version of CrioObject
    • Optionally accepts serializer and indent arguments, which are identical to those arguments for JSON.stringify
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

console.log(object.toString()); // {"foo":"bar","bar":"baz"}
console.log(object.toString(null, 2));
  "foo": "bar",
  "bar": "baz"
  • thaw(): Object
    • Recursively thaws CrioObject deeply and returns standard object version of itself
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

console.log(object.thaw()); // {foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'}
console.log(object.constructor === Object); // false
console.log(object.thaw().constructor === Object); // true
  • values(): CrioObject
    • Returns a CrioArray of the values in the CrioObject
const object = crio({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

console.log(object.values()); // ['bar', 'baz']