Source: constants.js

// utils
import {every, find, some} from './utils';

 * @constant {Object} ARRAY_UNSCOPABLES
export const ARRAY_UNSCOPABLES = {
  copyWithin: true,
  entries: true,
  fill: true,
  find: true,
  findIndex: true,
  findLastIndex: true,
  includes: true,
  keys: true,
  values: true

   * @function every
   * @description
   * does every instance in the array match
   * @param {function} fn the function to test for matching
   * @returns {boolean} does every instance match
  every(fn) {
    return every(this, fn);

   * @function find
   * @description
   * find an item in the array if it exists
   * @param {function} fn function to test for finding the item
   * @returns {*} found item or undefined
  find(fn) {
    return find(this, fn);

   * @function findIndex
   * @description
   * find the index of an item in the array if it exists
   * @param {function} fn function to test for finding the item
   * @returns {number} index of match, or -1
  findIndex(fn) {
    return find(this, fn, true);

   * @function includes
   * @description
   * does the array have the item passed
   * @param {*} item item to test for existence
   * @returns {boolean} does the item exist in the array
  includes(item) {
    return !!~this.indexOf(item);

   * @function some
   * @description
   * does any item in the array match the result from fn
   * @param {function} fn the function to test for matching
   * @returns {boolean} does any item match
  some(fn) {
    return some(this, fn);

 * @constant {Object} ARRAY_UNSCOPABLES
export const OBJECT_UNSCOPABLES = {
  entries: true,
  fill: true,
  find: true,
  findKey: true,
  findLastKey: true,
  includes: true,
  keys: true,
  values: true

 * @constant {Symbol|number}
export const REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE =
  typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.for
    ? Symbol.for('react.element')
    : 0xeac7;